SBCA Board of Director Elections

The 2024 SBCA Nominations Committee, chaired by Immediate Past President Henrik Andersson, has accepted nominations for the following open board positions:

  1. Vice President, who will serve for a term of one year, then automatically succeed to the office of President for one year, then automatically succeed to the office of Immediate Past President for one year;
  2. Secretary, who will serve for three years (from January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2027)
  3. Assistant Treasurer, who will serve for a period of one year, then automatically succeed to the office of Treasurer for one year, then automatically succeed to the office of Immediate Past Treasurer for one year; and
  4. Two Directors, who will serve for three years (from January 1, 2025, through December 31, 2027).

In accordance with the SBCA bylaws, membership elections shall be conducted annually by mail, email or electronic ballot of all members of the Society in good standing, with a deadline for receipt of ballots not later than November 30.  Election results shall be determined by the Election Committee, which shall decide the elections of each officer position and each non-officer Board member position by the highest number of votes cast.  In the case of a tie vote, the winner shall be determined by real or virtual coin toss performed by the Vice President.

Due to a technical disruption which impeded voting, thd deadline for casting ballots has been extended to 11:59 a.m. ET on November 27, 2024. 

Please enter the email address on file with SBCA Headquarters to vote. Your email address will validate your ballot.

Questions? Email Amy Sharp, SBCA Secretary, at [email protected].

Cast Your Ballot